A Note on the Quality-Quantity Trade-off and Utility Function
2007-002: Iwao Tanaka and Eiichi Nakazawa
Cross-border Trade in IT Services and Products: Scale, Pattern, and Comparative Advantage for Japan and OECD
2007-001: Hiromasa Takahashi, Toru Takemoto, and Akihiko Suzuki
Incentive Problem in Intergovernmental Transfers: Differences between Two Infinitely Iterated Leadership Models
2006-002: Junji Kageyama
The Analysis of Income and Lifetime in the Early Stage of Development
2006-001: Shinobu Takada
The compensating wage differentials of unpaid overtime work
2005-002: Iwao Tanaka and Eiichi Nakazawa
Outsourcing and Wages in Japanese Manufacturing: Destination Effects Evidenced from the International Input-Output Tables
2005-001: Shinobu Takada
Why Do Unmarried Japanese Women Live with Their Parents?
2004-005: Eiichi Nakazawa
Relations among the Measures of Competition, Scale Economy, and Mark-up
2004-004: Eiichi Nakazawa
Effect of Deflation on Trade Balance and Structural Changes: An Analysis Based on Armington Model
2004-003: Junji Kageyama
A Continuous Increase in Lifetime, Uncertainty, and the Dissaving Behavior of the Elderly
2004-002: Shinobu Takada
Why do Japanese Unmarried Women live with Their Parents?: An Examination of the Altruistic Parents Hypothesis
2004-001: Genji Hirai
Grundsätze der Einkommensteuer – Gleichheit, Effizienz und Mentalität der Steuerzahler